What would you do to feel 25 again....

The Protocol for You is a Performance, Nutrition and Wellness for all program.

  Feel Better
Boost Energy, Restore your Libido, Ease joint pain,
Lose weight, Balance hormones, Burn Fat, and
Maintain mobility.

Let us help you address any or all of these conditions with Hormone and Peptide Therapy:

Arthritis and aching joints
Pain Management for Surgery Alternatives
Loss of Bone and Muscle Tissue
Excessive Weight Gain
Poor Sleep
Erectile Dysfunction
Loss of Sex Drive
Hot Flashes
Sagging skin

Fitness Essentials

Fitness Essentials covers six critical areas you should address before starting your wellness journey.

Learn More

If you look at the TV or browse the internet, you cannot go more than 30 minutes without a pop up or advertisement about men and their sexual health. The commercials cover erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and how men can get there mojo back. I often ask myself; don't women have an interest in their sex drive? 

The truth is women are very interested in their sex drives. And many of the people women will talk to about this, are their friends who know just about as much as they do. Or their doctors, which present an outdated 1930’s science-based theory that women just need to accept the loss of their sex drive and desire, as a part of getting older. There are other doctors who are informed, but all they do is terrify woman about Estrogen based hormone replacement and the risk of cancer. This in our opinion is a travesty. 

You see there are many women who are very interested in sex and having a healthy voracious sex drive. They want to be focused and have fun. They want to feel vital and confident. You see all these things, are a part of a healthy sex drive and good sexual health.

If this sounds like you and what you desire, contact us for a consultation. 


The 7,000 naturally-occurring peptides in your body are short chains of amino acids. They act like proteins hormones. Their job is to bind to a receptor on the surface of a cell or molecule and deliver instructions. 

     Each specialized peptide sends highly specific signals to each cell. Then, that cell does only what the peptide demands - which could include crucial antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antitumor functions. 

     Peptide supplementing supports the hormones that send commands to your cells to perform every physiological function: growth, muscle tone, bone density, metabolism, emotional response, and sexual performance.

     As we age, however, our natural hormone and peptide levels begin to drop. So,  with peptides we can give nature a little boost. Because it's so precisely targeted to only the cells that need it, peptide therapy is very safe and well-tolerated. Peptides are the most efficient anti-aging therapies out there.


  To determine which peptides require supplementing we'll do one or more of the following: 

     -blood test to measure growth hormone level

     -blood test to measure other hormone levels affected by HGH

     -binding protein level (IGF-I and IGFBP-3) blood tests determine whether your pituitary gland is causing your symptoms 

     -GHRH-arginine provocative test 

     -insulin tolerance test

After a discussion of  your symptoms and reading your health questionnaire we will consider your age, general health, exercise regimen, your symptom's, as well as your tolerance of those symptoms, before suggesting a custom peptide protocol.


     Some of the most common and most effective peptides are naturally occurring and causes the body to produce more of its own restorative growth hormone. include: Sermorelin, Mk677, CJC 1295, IGF-1 etc.

     In many cases they are Secretagogues and can make the body produce more of the hormone or peptide in question naturally. Some peptides which regulates fat cell death, decreases inflammation, increases lean muscle mass, and address age-related osteoporosis, obesity, and inflammatory autoimmune disease, and help with the healing of fractures, muscle tears, etc.

The benefits of Peptide therapy are :

     -speeds up fat metabolism by breaking down fat and fatty acids 

     -build muscle cells to improve body composition 

     -boost energy & aid in workout recovery

     -increase testosterone production to boost libido 

     -regulate red blood cell production 

     -accelerate protein synthesis 

     -improve heart function 

     -reduce your liver's uptake of glucose (staving off diabetes) 

     -improve bone density by increasing calcium retention and speed healing 

     -regulate insulin-producing pancreatic islets 

     -boost immune function 

     -accelerate wound healing 

     -enhance non REM slow wave sleep 

     The 1st step is reaching out and setting up an appointment, and filling out our wellness questionnaire. Then we will assess the information and together with you, come up with a plan to get you moving in the right direction.

Confidence and Mental Focus  image
How important are you? How important is your opinion, your views, desires, and beliefs as it relates to the world you see. We are not phycologists; we are wellness professionals who have worked with clients with conditions affecting all aspects of their lives.

We have helped people work through traumatic injuries, obesity, painful urinary conditions, surgeries gone bad, and even issues related to narcissist relationships. We know that growth and change is an all-encompassing experience, mind, body, and spirit.

Contact us for a consultation, this consultation is all about you being heard from an outside perspective and awakening the acceptance of you. This is about you taking control in your life going forward, and it begins here.
Live One on One Consultation
Talking to someone who knows is better than guessing. 
Lets talk wellness, ask any questions you might have.
I can look over your current regimen.
I can suggest a wellness direction.
We can discuss a specific wellness issue you are having.
Please schedule a call with me.

$79.99 for 45 minutes.

Consultations include: Health questionnaire and basic wellness assessment, detailing current concerns, and explain how to address everything concerning you and your health. We can create and design for you: a hormone restoring protocol a personal workout routine, diet and supplement program.

 I have been a client of the Protocol for several years. Marlon came into my life after a bad surgical experience and I was not in a good mental space. His efforts in refocusing my mental space along with designing a great healing hormonal and peptide regimen was invaluable. He taught me that my health and well being belongs 1st and foremost in my hands. I had been going to Drs for years and all they did was try to get me to accept I was aging and that the best I could hope for was basic functionality. Marlon here is to you for helping me to understand that as you say "There is a whole lot of game left. 

James Wesley
Former partner Raymond James

 Marlon and I met watching a UFC fight at a local establishment. I had started Testosterone replacement earlier that year. I had been suffering with frequent bathroom trips to urinate. While discussing this during the fight, Marlon enquired as to my weekly dosage of testosterone. He then went on to tell me I was using way to much and this was causing my prostate to swell. I took his advice and within one week my urination issue was resolved. Needless to say I have been a customer now for well over 2 years. I will tell you with Marlon you don't just get a product, you get a friend and advocate for your wellness and you also get the results you want. 

Michael Kross
Senior Interior Designer

 I Have been a client of Marlon and the Protocol for 4 years. I am a competitive cyclist and compete against men and women 20 years younger than me. I became a client after injuring my shoulder and was refereed to Marlon by my Chiro, I had arthritis, and small muscle tears in my shoulder. Marlon designed my protocol, and the rest is history. My pain is reduced and my functionality is 80 percent better. My sleep is much improved and so is my skin. My libido is also through the roof, I forgot to say I am 63 years old. 

Competitive Cyclist

 I was suffering from a painful torn Rotator cuff. I had 2 MRIs from separate doctors both recommended that I would need to get surgery. I was in excruciating pain all day and could hardly sleep at night. I met Marlon by chance one night soon after I had the two MRIs. Marlon mentioned he could help me if I trusted him and I'd be able to repair my rotator cuff without surgery. He then gave me free advice that night and explained thoroughly why these 2 specific supplements would help. The two supplements he recommended immediately eased some the pain within a matter of days. I could tell it was working and necessary. I then got on his full in depth program and he gave me a very educated regiment of supplements, peptides, and hormone therapy. He also worked with my entire diet. We did my bloodwork as well and he looked it over, compared it to my heritage and helped change my diet. He taught me to eat towards my blood type. I am amazed by this and the results. During this process he has also helped me by controlling my ulcers or may have cured them naturally without meds or pills that a doctor would have me take. My rotator cuff is 100% healed. I never needed surgery. Additionally my ulcers seem to be better and just haven't had one flare up since Marlon helped me. Marlon called and spoke with me every single week over the course of 3 to 4 months. His nutritional program helped me heal wonderfully. He also answers the phone every time I call or have a question. ( I had many) He is a total professional and I would 100% recommend Marlon to any of my friends or anybody reading this testimonial. Marlon has an unbelievable amount of knowledge in this field and he not only puts you on a nutritional regiment, but also explains it in very good detail so you understand the science behind it. Thank you, Marlon for all your help. I'm still blown away with the results and am pain free again. 

President - AEICustomPools.com