The 7,000 naturally-occurring peptides in your body are short chains of amino acids. They act like proteins hormones. Their job is to bind to a receptor on the surface of a cell or molecule and deliver instructions. 

     Each specialized peptide sends highly specific signals to each cell. Then, that cell does only what the peptide demands - which could include crucial antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antitumor functions. 

     Peptide supplementing supports the hormones that send commands to your cells to perform every physiological function: growth, muscle tone, bone density, metabolism, emotional response, and sexual performance.

     As we age, however, our natural hormone and peptide levels begin to drop. So,  with peptides we can give nature a little boost. Because it's so precisely targeted to only the cells that need it, peptide therapy is very safe and well-tolerated. Peptides are the most efficient anti-aging therapies out there.


  To determine which peptides require supplementing we'll do one or more of the following: 

     -blood test to measure growth hormone level

     -blood test to measure other hormone levels affected by HGH

     -binding protein level (IGF-I and IGFBP-3) blood tests determine whether your pituitary gland is causing your symptoms 

     -GHRH-arginine provocative test 

     -insulin tolerance test

After a discussion of  your symptoms and reading your health questionnaire we will consider your age, general health, exercise regimen, your symptom's, as well as your tolerance of those symptoms, before suggesting a custom peptide protocol.


     Some of the most common and most effective peptides are naturally occurring and causes the body to produce more of its own restorative growth hormone. include: Sermorelin, Mk677, CJC 1295, IGF-1 etc.

     In many cases they are Secretagogues and can make the body produce more of the hormone or peptide in question naturally. Some peptides which regulates fat cell death, decreases inflammation, increases lean muscle mass, and address age-related osteoporosis, obesity, and inflammatory autoimmune disease, and help with the healing of fractures, muscle tears, etc.

The benefits of Peptide therapy are :

     -speeds up fat metabolism by breaking down fat and fatty acids 

     -build muscle cells to improve body composition 

     -boost energy & aid in workout recovery

     -increase testosterone production to boost libido 

     -regulate red blood cell production 

     -accelerate protein synthesis 

     -improve heart function 

     -reduce your liver's uptake of glucose (staving off diabetes) 

     -improve bone density by increasing calcium retention and speed healing 

     -regulate insulin-producing pancreatic islets 

     -boost immune function 

     -accelerate wound healing 

     -enhance non REM slow wave sleep 

     The 1st step is reaching out and setting up an appointment, and filling out our wellness questionnaire. Then we will assess the information and together with you, come up with a plan to get you moving in the right direction.