If you look at the TV or browse the internet, you cannot go more than 30 minutes without a pop up or advertisement about men and their sexual health. The commercials cover erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and how men can get there mojo back. I often ask myself; don't women have an interest in their sex drive? 

The truth is women are very interested in their sex drives. And many of the people women will talk to about this, are their friends who know just about as much as they do. Or their doctors, which present an outdated 1930’s science-based theory that women just need to accept the loss of their sex drive and desire, as a part of getting older. There are other doctors who are informed, but all they do is terrify woman about Estrogen based hormone replacement and the risk of cancer. This in our opinion is a travesty. 

You see there are many women who are very interested in sex and having a healthy voracious sex drive. They want to be focused and have fun. They want to feel vital and confident. You see all these things, are a part of a healthy sex drive and good sexual health.

If this sounds like you and what you desire, contact us for a consultation.